Name: Time Distortion. / Engage the Future
Type: Perception AlterationMedium: In Person or Voice Call - Text is possible but challenging
Chance of Encounter: Med/Low
Typical Target: One-to-One though Mass Media is Possible -- Challenging though
Setup, Conditions, or Environment: Framing highly suggested prior to engagement.
If campaign requires text, framing requirement becomes even more advised.
Description of Handling: The handling means an act of influencing public opinion through specific action so manipulated people will have the impression that they are acting according to their own ideas and interests. In fact, they take an idea, or an opinion that does not belong to them, but has been induced by various means. .One of the simplest is the technique of Time Distortion. Researchers today, call this False Memory or Memory Distortion. This technique refers to a decision that the client is trying to take. Speaking (Communicating) to them as if the decision is already made and that it was a pleasant experience and now everything is going to work out, adds to the experience. Also combining the session with pleasing images made with the use of "past tense" makes the new belief seat into memory with less disturbance, and begin to inscribe into the long term memory.
I've also heard this one referred to as, "It's Just Tense, that's All"
But that was described as more of a Trope than an engagement.
I remember when it happened. I remember when we got the news. The news that 913 people killed themselves in Jonestown. It was so stunning. The anchor man said it deadpan. Nine hundred men, and women, with their children, in a mass suicide during a church service. It really didn't hit. I don't think anyone who heard it that day, got the message. I don't believe we process after a certain degree of atrocity. It's not a shock, really. It's a dumbing. What you hear -- it just doesn't make any sense to you. The words, individually, as each was said, were recognized as words, sure, but they weren't recognizable in that order. I guess, when that sort of limitation is breached, you focus on the banal. So, yeah, this guy who is condemning the jokes about the Kool-aid, this college kid. Sure, I understand the rebuke, but i don't accept it. Even now, it is difficult to grasp - -and there are so many living people who are crushed by tragedy to focus on. I do not accept the reproach of the dead while the living cry out.Was there something that could have been done about Jonestown?
How could something like this happen? First, we lie to ourselves. It doesn't matter if you lie to someone else, not in this context. What matters is that you can lie to yourself and believe the lie. If you do that, if you engage in self-deception, your are on dangerous ground.
Then, we believe that we know something, something which is absolute. Again, the detail doesn't really matter. If you believe in something that is unchangeable, unquestionable... then really it's already happened to you. Once you have those two key conditions in your head, you are vulnerable. From there, a willing attraction to a group run by a mad man, and you're drinking the kool-aide too. Any coercive indoctrination, which slides past you on the way to the store, has full access.
Confession, in many religions, is the acknowledgment of one's sins (sinfulness) or wrong. It is the act of telling yourself and someone one else that you are lying. It is the perfect defense against the first part of the equation. Buddhism has been from its inception primarily a renunciate and monastic tradition. Within the monastic framework, regular confession of wrongdoing to superiors is mandatory.
The Catholics firmly state that Confession has been a part of the worship of God since the beginning. However, Confession as we know it today began some time during the 1200s.
Just about every other religion has some form of regular accounting of who and what you really are. This isn't a coincidence. It is a necessity of you insist on believing in something absolute, like God, or that all of life is burden and pain. If you are going to accept a religious doctrine (this term not being used as a derision in any form, but used as it should be used) If you are going to BELIEVE, then the only safe way to live is with complete honesty with yourself.
That -- that instruction -- is likely the hardest undertaking available on earth today. To do that on your own, is nigh impossible.
The active use of Propaganda as been a part of the Catholic Church Indoctrination, as an activity with a name, since at least 1555. As a congregation formed by papal bull, it has been a part of our world since 1622. Something that doesn't work, doesn't stay around that long. Likely it began with The Gift. A form of Bigger Than You was in the mix, I'm sure. Add the one we are looking at today, Stretching Time, and you don't require anything else.
So, let's talk for a bit. This is the fourth description I've put out, and it is time to expound on a few things.
There are clear differences between Propaganda,( or Aggressive Persuasion) and -- Marketing or Sales or normal persuasion. This is one of the reasons I decide to write The Weaponizing of Words on the Web, which should be out soon. Not just for awareness of what is propaganda and how much of it is directly affecting your life today -- no, not this second -- but also, what is Not propaganda, because there is a whole lot more Media Marketing going on out there than Media Engineering. This is a good thing, and even with most of what people point at and wrongly call Propaganda, there is still p l e n t y available to satisfy even the neediest of Conspiracy theorists -- which is what bothers me the most about them, and other extremists.
Why lie?
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From his essays just after 9/11 |
We are the ones who encourage our Press to lie to the people. Not for any particular reason, other than for the press to engage in sensationalism. Why do you think it is "all" of them? All of them are over 50% misleading or flat wrong with their stories. The supreme court has never passed down a verdict against them for propagating falsehoods. (I'm currently working on a different strategy, because I'm not going to simply accept it and pretend it doesn't affect me, but that's my deal).
The list of very real, identifiable, and fully researched oppressions committed by the U.S. in current events is huge, and if you believe that saying this is somehow unpatriotic, then you don't need to learn anymore about propaganda baby. You got it all in your head. It is in fact the MOST patriotic action a citizen of this nation can perform. It is exactly why the items in the First Amendment are not in the second or the 14th or the 23rd.
So here we are, in a country that has some serious bully problems, which is trying like hell to get us into deep state gov. which is the worst thing I've ever heard of, and you think you need to make shit up?
To be good, really good at this, you can't lie to yourself. In order to understand what is going on, and how it is designed to affect you-- you can't bullshit you. That is the bottom line. You can learn all of these tactics, but it's just a practice in mental masterbation if you can't realize how vulnerable you are, no matter how much you learn, and the only protection available is a scientific approach -- meaning that you have to be able to know that EVERY point of fact you believe with absolute surety, is likely absolutely wrong.
After the court ruled that out Government's covert war against Nicaragua was in violation of international law (Nicaragua v. United States), the United States withdrew from compulsory jurisdiction in 1986. The United States accepts the court's jurisdiction only on a case-by-case basis.[3] Chapter XIV of the United Nations Charter authorizes the UN Security Council to enforce Court rulings. However, such enforcement is subject to the veto power of the five permanent members of the Council, which the United States used in the Nicaragua case.
Fair question. I've been a bit preachy here and making declarations. So, time to step up.The purpose of everything propaganda sets out to do, is to put you into a state of belief -- a belief that is strong enough to produce cognitive dissonance if you begin to un-believe.
Let's consider our technique -- look at some science.
Our memory is often surprisingly inaccurate, with errors ranging from misremembering minor details of events to generating illusory memories of entire episodes. The pervasiveness of such false memories generates a puzzle: in the face of selection pressure for accuracy of memory, how could such systematic failures have persisted over evolutionary time? It is possible that memory errors are an inevitable by-product of our adaptive memories andKathryn Hunt, Lars Chittka - Biological and Experimental Psychology, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, - London, E1 4NS, UK published: 16 Oct 2014, 3:154 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.4645.2)
that semantic false memories are specifically connected to our ability to learn rules and concepts and to classify objects by category memberships. Here we test this possibility using a standard experimental false memory paradigm and inter-individual variation in verbal categorisation ability. Indeed it turns out that the error scores are significantly negatively correlated, with those individuals scoring fewer errors on the categorisation test being more susceptible to false memory intrusions in a free recall test. A similar trend, though not significant, was observed between individual categorisation ability and false memory susceptibility in a word recognition task. Our results therefore indicate that false memories, to some extent, might be a by-product of our ability to learn rules, categories and concepts.
Kathryn Hunt throws in that "standard experimental false memory paradigm" like we're supposed to know what she is talking about. What she is talking about is the DRM, which most people interested in cognitive psychology would know about if they -- didn't have lives...
The Deese–Roediger–McDermott (DRM) paradigm is a procedure in cognitive psychology used to study false memory in humans. The procedure was pioneered by James Deese in 1959, but it was not until Henry L. Roediger III and Kamal Chatha extended the line of research in 1995 that the paradigm became popular.
The test typically involves the oral presentation of a list of related words (e.g. bed, rest, awake, tired, dream, wake, snooze, blanket, doze, slumber, snore, nap, peace, yawn, drowsy) and then requires the subject to remember as many words from the list as possible. Typical results show that subjects recall a related but non-presented word (e.g. sleep), known as a ‘lure’, with the same frequency as other presented words.
When subjects are asked about their experience after the test, about half of all participants report that they are sure that they remember hearing the non-presented word, indicating a false memory – a memory for an event that never occurred.
If you are in the habit of "believing" yourself, and indulge in the practice of insisting that what you remember is correct, or of the opinion that your memories are perfect -- then you can see how this could be a problem. In the world of computers, we call this a "vulnerability".
Her paper, which I linked to up there, so please read it, gives strong empirical data to suggest that a habit of develop opinions which categorically apply to the world, rather than engaging in only the events you are presented with -- are directly related to the creation of false memories. This particular tactic, Time Distortion, has a history of working on those who are prejudice very well -- so there is related data which I'll probably compile and send over to her.
The problem with believing in an absolute is that you condone such memories and beliefs by doing so. When you are working around propaganda, you need to actively engage in dis-belief -- as in constantly reminding yourself that the Fuhrer is -- out of his mind and full of shit. As an example of methodology for myself, I actively question "what I know" and often look up facts that I have known for years, just to make sure -- not the fact -- me.
Don't believe your own press.
A Few References
- D'Amato, Anthony (1985). "Modifying U.S. Acceptance of the Compulsory Jurisdiction of the World Court" (PDF). American Journal of International Law 79 (2): 385–405. doi:10.2307/2201709. JSTOR 10.2307/2201709 [PDF file]
- D'Amato, Anthony (1987). "Trashing Customary International Law" (PDF). American Journal of International Law 81 (1): 101–105. doi:10.2307/2202136. JSTOR 2202136. "Appraisals of the ICJ's Decision. Nicaragua vs United State (Merits)" [PDF file]
- D'Amato, Anthony (1986). "The United States Should Accept, By a New Declaration, The General Compulsory Jurisdiction of The World Court" (PDF). American Journal of International Law 80 (2): 331–336. doi:10.2307/2201963.JSTOR 2201963. [PDF file]
- Falk, Richard (1987). "The World Court's Achievement". American Journal of International Law 81 (1): 106–112.doi:10.2307/2202137. JSTOR 2202137. "Appraisals of the ICJ's Decision."
- Franck, Thomas M. (1987). "Some Observations on the ICJ's Procedural and Substantive Innovations". American Journal of International Law 81 (1): 116–121. doi:10.2307/2202139. JSTOR 2202139. "Appraisals of the ICJ's Decision. Nicaragua vs United States (Merits)"
- Gill, Terry D. (1989). Litigation strategy at the International Court a case study of the Nicaragua v United States dispute. Dordrecht. ISBN 0-7923-0332-6.
- Howard Friel; Richard A. Falk (2004). The Record of the Paper: How the New York Times Misreports US Foreign Policy. Verso. ISBN 1-84467-019-8. p. 184.
- Case Concerning Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicaragua V. United States of America). United Nations Publications. January 1, 2000. ISBN 92-1-070826-1.
- Maier, Harold G. (January 1987). "Appraisals Of The ICJ's Decision: Nicaragua V. United States (Merits)". The American Society of International Law 81 (1): 77–78. doi:10.2307/2202132. JSTOR 2202132. 81 A.J.I.L. 77
- Morrison, Fred L. (January 1987). "Legal Issues in The Nicaragua Opinion". American Journal of International Law 81 (1): 160–166. doi:10.2307/2202146. JSTOR 2202146. "Appraisals of the ICJ's Decision. Nicaragua vs United State (Merits)"
- Schachter, Oscar (April 1989). "Self-Defense and the Rule of Law". American Journal of International Law 83 (2): 259–277.doi:10.2307/2202738. JSTOR 2202738. 83 A.J.I.L. 259
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