UPDATE: The REPORT released is not from the Original Autopsy - but the one that was put out from the Second Autopsy done the following day -- On July 14th... not the 13th. So the Conclusions I reached in this post are false. Time lines will need to be addressed to the Original Autopsy which they have not released. Also, the Medical Examiners "Time of Death" continues not to be published.
Events that morning with Sandra Bland
- Bland apparently refused a breakfast tray about 6:30 Monday morning, according to the Sheriff's Office.
- When a guard checked on the prisoner a half-hour later, Bland reportedly said, "I'm fine," according to the Sheriff's Office.
- At 8 a.m., Bland apparently asked to make a phone call from her cell, the Sheriff's Office said. There is no record of her making a call.
- Bland was found at 9 a.m., hanging in her cell, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Which is all fine and dandy. Except -- we still don't know when her autopsy put her time of death. If she was dead at 6am, then all of this makes perfect sense as well. Because the reports are saying that the same deputy saw her at 6:30am, 7am and ‘heard’ her at 8am
One of the first things the Sheriffs say when they talk to reporters after finding her dead is that they were guilty of not checking on her every hour. But this time line calls that statement a lie. She is reported as being in contact and alive at least once and hour.
If this is accurate, and I’m not sure it is, then the time of death analysis would be done by a medical examiner within a two hour period from her death. With the tech we have today, in environment with controlled temperature, and zero factors of disturbance, the medical examiner should be able to pinpoint her time of death down to a variable of fifteen minutes.
This should have been the first question out of the reporters mouths, because Time of Death gives you the reference for everything else.
UPDATE: The REPORT released is not from the Original Autopsy - but the one that was put out from the Second Autopsy done the following day -- On July 14th... not the 13th. So the Conclusions I reached in this post are false. Time lines will need to be addressed to the Original Autopsy which they have not released. Also, the Medical Examiners "Time of Death" continues not to be published.
Now according to the video, 9:16:36 is when CPR stops and Sandra is pronounced dead.
So, that means that she is seen by a medical examiner within 20 minutes of that time. Time of Death -- with all possible mess ups and errors -- should not be listed as anything earlier than 8:00am
At the time of death, a condition called "primary flaccidity" occurs. Following this, the muscles stiffen in rigor mortis. All muscles in the body are affected.
Two to six hours following death, rigor mortis begins with the eyelids, neck, and jaw. The sequence may be due to different lactic acid levels among different muscles, which is directly related to the difference in glycogen levels and different types of muscle fibers. Rigor mortis then spreads to the other muscles within the next *four to six hours*, including the internal organs.
The onset of rigor mortis is affected by the individual's age, sex, physical condition, and muscular build. Rigor mortis may not be perceivable in many infant and child corpses due to their smaller muscle mass --
Research suggested a person of Sandra's size would be in rigor mortis at about 3 to 5 hours.
- Time of Death for Sandra is set at 9:16:36
- Autopsy began at 10:15am (per the report)
- At that time there is 'marked rigor mortis in the upper and lower extremities."
Which means that she was in Rigor Mortis in the cell when they found her -- if she is so far advanced an hour later. She had to have been dead for more than 90 minutes in that cell -- more than two hours truth be told.
UPDATE: The REPORT released is not from the Original Autopsy - but the one that was put out from the Second Autopsy done the following day -- On July 14th... not the 13th. So the Conclusions I reached in this post are false. Time lines will need to be addressed to the Original Autopsy which they have not released. Also, the Medical Examiners "Time of Death" continues not to be published.
So, who is that guy talking to on the video?
Possible theory using autopsy and video
We do not see the person who violated Sandra go inside her cell because he is already in there before the video begins and has been in there with her for several hours.
- Autopsy suggests that no sexual violation occurred vanginaly.
- Autopsy suggest extreme amounts of marijuana usage.
- Sandra is starting a new job which has periodic drug testing.
- Smoking her out would have the effect of pacification.
UPDATE: The REPORT released is not from the Original Autopsy - but the one that was put out from the Second Autopsy done the following day -- On July 14th... not the 13th. So the Conclusions I reached in this post are false. Time lines will need to be addressed to the Original Autopsy which they have not released. Also, the Medical Examiners "Time of Death" continues not to be published.
Sandra is strangled before breakfast. The murderer remains in the cell. From the videos her cell is a multi-person cell with a toilet area in a separate room. At shift change he goes into that area.
Sandra is discovered by shift change cell check. They bring in emergency personnel per SOP. There a lot of people suddenly in that cell area, and no one is sure who came in when. The murder walks out during this period.
All we need to do is find the person who came out, but didn't go in on the video.
I'm not a professional, and I'm sure the professionals will think of this as well.