HeForShe Key Messages

These are the Key Messages of HeForShe as posed by the UN Action Pack

1. Gender inequality is one of the most persistent human rights violations of our time. Despite many years of promoting gender equality, inequalities among women/girls and men/boys continue to manifest in egregious ways around the world

2. HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that engages men and boys as advocates and
stakeholders, to break the silence, raise their voices and take action for the achievement of gender equality

3. Gender equality is not only a women’s issue, it is a human rights issue that affects all of us – women and girls, men and boys. We all benefit socially, politically and economically from gender equality in our everyday lives. When women are empowered, the whole of humanity benefits. Gender equality liberates not only women but also men, from prescribed social roles and gender stereotypes.

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