Showing posts with label HeForShe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HeForShe. Show all posts

A Unifying Word?


Emma, during her speech, Sept of 2014, HeForShe’s announcement to the world at the U.N, said that they did not yet have a unifying word, but that we had a name.

We do have a predecessor

When he learned that women were marching, Mark Twain said “Votes For Women.” and set all of his talents to writing a speech. The, then elderly, Mark Twain traveled, and spoke, using all of his skills to convince…

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HeForShe Key Messages

These are the Key Messages of HeForShe as posed by the UN Action Pack

1. Gender inequality is one of the most persistent human rights violations of our time. Despite many years of promoting gender equality, inequalities among women/girls and men/boys continue to manifest in egregious ways around the world

2. HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that engages men and boys as advocates and
stakeholders, to break the silence, raise their voices and take action for the achievement of gender equality

3. Gender equality is not only a women’s issue, it is a human rights issue that affects all of us – women and girls, men and boys. We all benefit socially, politically and economically from gender equality in our everyday lives. When women are empowered, the whole of humanity benefits. Gender equality liberates not only women but also men, from prescribed social roles and gender stereotypes.

Emma Watson is not interested in dictating, but in being as loud as she wants


un-women-1024x817 Emma Watson has become a sudden feminist icon in Hollywood, but she explained that it wasn’t something she had to think too much about. Just last month, Watson gave a speech to the United Nations about gender inequality around the world, which launched a campaign called #HeForShe.

Kristen Stewart and 5 other surprising celeb comments on feminism

Watson will grace the cover of Elle U.K. magazine…

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Brussels Griffon x 2 -- Guest Speaker #2


65b72-womenagainstfeminism Brussels Griffon x 2 I met on the g+ network. She is participating in the Write A Novel challenge which happens every November (Write a Novel Month). I read a couple of her posts and noticed that she was also taken by Emma’ s HeForShe speech. So, I asked her if she would post her thoughts on where we are and where we’re going. This is her gracious reply which I’ve now read five times.


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How did a Nice Guy Like Me...?

I just ran into a Woman Against Feminism and a guy who hates feminists, but believes strongly in equality of rights -- on tweeter. 

Tweeter is horrible for conversations like that, but I learned quite a bit. I'm weekss from being 50 years-old, so I've been around watching the Feminists getting more and more brutal for awhile. I get that the movement has gone awry. They pick fights when to do nothing would be to their benefit and make a stronger statement. They go after fights they can't win, ignore objectives where they could succeed, and frequently disown allies -- I'm incredibly happy I don't have to deal with them.

To be honest I forgot who Emma Watson was until she mentioned Harry Potter in the speech which I didn't catch when I read the transcript the first time. I checked around and it appears she wrote that speech herself. What is she? 18? 19? Wish I had a world view like that at 18.

In Less Than A Minute...Farhan Akhtar

In Less Than A Minute…Farhan Akhtar: With clarity, and purpose, Farhan delivers awareness and a call to action.


Farhan Akhtar is a HeForShe. One of those guys like Patrick Stewart who radiat reasonable reason. Eloquence, is a word that comes to mind. The message is simple, understandable with clear goals and purpose. His focus is impressive and it presses you to see more clearly.


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The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...