By Country Tell a Different Story?
"Less than an estimated 20 percent of land in the world is owned by women — yet those few women who do own land are reported to see benefits."
Their children are 33 percent less likely to be severely underweight, 10 percent less likely to be sick and these women are eight times less likely to experience domestic violence. Other studies suggest women with strong property rights earn up to 3.8 percent more income and dedicate more of their budget to education.
A Unifying Word?
Emma, during her speech, Sept of 2014, HeForShe’s announcement to the world at the U.N, said that they did not yet have a unifying word, but that we had a name.
We do have a predecessor
When he learned that women were marching, Mark Twain said “Votes For Women.” and set all of his talents to writing a speech. The, then elderly, Mark Twain traveled, and spoke, using all of his skills to convince…
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A Failure of Reporting Propagated by Omar Avolos
Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian posed for Paper Magazine in what they called an attempt to “Break the Internet”. I was able to go about my day without any internet problems, so its safe to say that Kim didn’t quite accomplish her goal.
However, for many days my social media feeds were filled with people either bashing or defending the reality TV star.
But this blog isn’t about whether or not…
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Fact: Without Women There is No Sustainable Development
A baby girl born today will still have to confront inequality and discrimination, no matter where she lives. Women are 14 times more likely to die in a disaster than men, over 50 percent of working women have vulnerable, informal jobs with no benefits, and two thirds of the world’s illiterate are women. At the same time, 46 percent of global news content reinforces gender stereotypes so thousands…
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Teens and Privacy with Mobile Devices
This isn’t our regular subject area but I felt that some of you would find the matter interesting.
It appears that teens are far more aware of privacy issues with their mobile devices then what common knowledge suggests. Many parents, on discovering some of the open purges of information on their teen tend to freak out a little bit — and it seems that a recent study suggests perhaps freaking is a…
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Brussels Griffon x 2 -- Guest Speaker #2
Brussels Griffon x 2 I met on the g+ network. She is participating in the Write A Novel challenge which happens every November (Write a Novel Month). I read a couple of her posts and noticed that she was also taken by Emma’ s HeForShe speech. So, I asked her if she would post her thoughts on where we are and where we’re going. This is her gracious reply which I’ve now read five times.
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The Theory of Planned Behavior
Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...

Due to the Jeffco District School Board's complete lack of regard for the legal obligations and policies -- or even acknowledgement th...
Led by the National Governor’s Association and Council of Chief State School Officers, the initiative to create national benchmarks in read...