Showing posts with label EZ-USA®EDU-ACT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EZ-USA®EDU-ACT. Show all posts

EZ-USA® of Rand Paul
and The Mystery of the Suddenly Gone EZTax RandPlan

OH Shit! and other things you 
shouldn't say
when you run for President
Not liking what you see with Rand Paul's
what it takes to run a country
You are not alone. 

Rand Paul doesn't like them either. 

The US Senator who has been spouting his opinion about everything under the sun -- 98% of the time simply because he Hates Obama, suddenly realized that his crap is just that, Crap. 

As a Senator with no real say, his crap had the same level of importance as if I were to spout off about my Tax Plan and publish it on this little blog. But when you step up on the platform and say "I'm Running for President" things change. Apparently Rand Paul didn't grasp Reality until last night -- when several pages on his website suddenly went missing.

Don't worry though Rand, I got your back. I Found all those pages for you, and many more.from previous posts over the last couple of years. So if those deletions were caused by a hacker event... just say the word and I'll deliver copies to you.

A curiosity at this point is -- how long before he realizes that he has been Pro-ISIS for more than a year now...(?)

The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...