Showing posts with label Individual Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Individual Rights. Show all posts

Protection Bill? Really? I don't think it means what you think it means

The signing of this bill doesn't seem like it's a step in the direction of equality and justice and liberty for all Americans,” said Press Secretary Josh Earnest, noting that the administration’s view was shared by the Republican mayor of Indianapolis and a “whole host of nonprofit and private-sector companies who have legitimate concerns about the impact of this legislation.

The impact of this legislation? Impact -- is the perfect word. And the answer is 'Tectonic'

Only about a fifth of you are going to be able to understand and accept this -- that's how propaganda works. It is nearly impossible to remove false information completely. We aren't spreadsheets. We don't delete and replace information. I wish I was skilled enough to help further.

A look at Aggressive Persuasion on the Internet

The Condition is well known and implicit.The Indoctrinated will fight to defend their conditioning -- Jane Robbins on Using Social Engineering on the Internet to Maintain Party Loyalty, Jan 24th 2013

She's right of course. It is a fool's errand to fight against those who have accepted a conditioning -- expecting to win. And, I want to be upfront on this -- the conditioning, it is not a sign of weakness, any more than having a bleeding hole in your chest is a sign of weakness after you've been shot.

The human brain, in evolutionary terms, is still fairly young -- with the frontal lobes and upper hemispheres being even younger than that. Language is also more powerful than we give it credit.

I was first introduced to indoctrinated minds when I was 20. I took the position as the personal security of a man named Ted Patrick.

Missouri Is More Interesting than I Believed
Except for the stupid people.

City officials in St. Charles, Missouri seek to invalidate the decision of three out of four residents who voted to ban red light cameras.
St Charles courthouse. Three towns in Missouri joined together to sue the the residents of St. Charles who voted to ban red light cameras. St. Peters, Lake Saint Louis and O'Fallon are asking a county circuit court judge to overturn the charter amendment banning automated enforcement adopted in November with the support of 73 percent of voters. City leaders argue that the 69,469 residents who voted for the measure had no business limiting the right of local politicians to use automated ticketing machines.
"The charter amendment invades the legislative jurisdiction of cities in contravention of state policy, and conflicts with the authority specifically delegated to cities by the state to address their specific needs including traffic and enforcement of traffic regulations," attorney Matthew J. Fairless wrote in the cities' complaint.
The suit alleges the charter amendment will result in "a loss of revenue" and, therefore, each of the cities has standing to sue. The cities also argue that the Missouri General Assembly gave each city government "exclusive control over all streets, alleys, avenues and public highways within the limits of such city" so that the people who live in the county have no say in the decisions made by political leaders.

The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...