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Showing posts with label Novel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Novel. Show all posts

Aftermath is on the way

I'm hoping that by the cover you can tell that Aftermath is a thriller. Aftermath is also the first novel I've been able to put out under my own name in a long time. For the last 5+ years I've been ghost writing 7-10 novels a year. They were all short, and none of them were ideas of my own, but they were fun to do and steady income. 

Aftermath is a thriller, and will be hitting Amazon and places beyond very soon now. Just basically reminding you that I'm primarily a writer (reminding myself of that as well) and that I'm still committed to creating stories to engage your darker imagination.

Memories Are DNA: How Memory Works (the basics)

The relationship between memory and DNA is a complex and fascinating area of active scientific research.  Here's a breakdown of what w...