Showing posts with label memes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memes. Show all posts

And So it Begins...Common Core Propaganda Steps up -- We start with the Basics

It was obvious, about 14 days ago, that a hell of a lot of money was suddenly injected into the Internet against Common Core. That money is coming from the usual suspects and lighting up the Koch camps a long the rivers near the capital. To see the fringes and the uglier , more rabid fray of the battle, tune into Twitter hashes #CommonCore #CCSS #StandUp4Kids There are a bunch of others, but those three will get you to the front lines.

The meme-pushers showed up in droves, with anti-Common Core jargon. At first it was infantile, and if you really thought about it, -- it was down right insulting that the average American, who could work a computer, was as ignorant as they proposed to be. I didn't make a connection right away. I really didn't believe at that time anyone who was moderately literate would object to Common Core. I was wrong. They were just late, that's all. Higher currents were keeping them back -- but that didn't really matter, they were here now.

Cut over to Common Core's web site, check out the Myths and Facts, and give a look over one of the Standards (this link will take you to a math standard).

Two things are abundantly clear once you are finished. First, there is no Teaching Method, no requirements about how the lesson is to be taught. People telling you that their child's homework is tougher than fighting fires or terrorists, because of the Common Core Math, are obviously lying(, or they might actually be stupid.) Ninety percent of the time, the same methods for teaching used before Common Core are still in place afterward Here, let's look at a Standard for English.

English Language Arts Standards » Writing » Grade 1

Production and Distribution of Writing:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.4 - (W.1.4 begins in grade 3)

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.5 - With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.6 - With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.

[end of standard]

So this is it. That is Common Core. In the first grade our students need to learn about the Production and Distribution of Writing. Then there are three (actually two since the first has been changed to begin at 3rd grade) skill sets our students need to learn about this subject.  Standards are written in Concise Language, so they seem a bit more intense than they really are, but basically little Suzie needs to pick something to write about, "Ponies."

There were in fact NO ISIS at the Border today... or any other day

Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters | PolitiFact Texas
The California Republican, speaking to Greta Van Susteren on Fox News Oct. 7, 2014, said he’d learned from the U.S. Border Patrol that Islamic State fighters had been nabbed trying to enter the country from Mexico. "ISIS is coming across the southern border," Hunter said, adding a moment later: "I know that at least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas."
-- PolitiFact Texas
No state or federal law enforcement agency confirmed Hunter’s account when PolitiFact Texas inquired, and Hunter spokesman Joe Kasper declined to reveal the congressman’s sources.  Of course it is very difficult to reveal the non-existent.

Fox News, in its original Oct. 8, 2014, online news report on Hunter’s declaration, quoted the Department of Homeland Security disputing his account.
Homeland Security told PolitiFact Texas that no such apprehensions have occurred. An agency spokeswoman, Marsha Catron, emailed: 
"The suggestion that individuals who have ties to ISIL have been apprehended at the Southwest border is categorically false, and not supported by any credible intelligence or the facts on the ground. DHS continues to have no credible intelligence to suggest terrorist organizations are actively plotting to cross the southwest border."

Boehner and Ebola

"The House has continued to listen to the American people and to focus on their concerns," Boehner told reporters. "Whether it's the economy, whether it's jobs, whether it's protecting the American people from Obamacare -- we've done our work."

Before GOPTea Boehner became House Speaker, GOP Gingrich’s 1995 congress was on record as the least productive congress in our history with the passage of merely 88 bills.

However, Boehner’s sorry record beats Newt’s.

Since Boehner became Speaker in January 2011, his two congresses have passed fewer bills than any other congresses in American history.

The 112th congress got less done than any congress before it with the passage of 61 bills; as well, it saw public support for congress drop to the lowest level ever recorded in the history of modern polling.

The 113th congress is now on record to be worse than even than the 112th with the passage of fewer than 55 bills. (~ House Clerk’s Office)

No congress has passed fewer bills under any other Speaker than Boehner’s two congresses.

Compare Boehner’s record with Nancy Pelosi’s: She is on record as one of our greatest Speakers with the passage of 400 bills in her tenure.

GOPTea’s were elected in 2010 on the false slogan of “jobs jobs jobs.” So far Boehner and his GOPTea’s have created ZERO jobs.

Boehner’s Houses will be known for their vast number of vacation days, their failed 46-repeal-Obamacare-votes and shutting down the government over defunding-Obamacare, costing the American taxpayers $53+ million and $26+ billion respectively.

Voted against veterans on several bills that would have given them retraining, small business loans, better Veteran care and even voted to cut food stamps for the families of serving troops doing their duty while waving the flag.

They tried to block funding for super storm Sandy relief until Chris Christie publicly shamed you by saying he never felt more ashamed to be a Republican.

Boehner has consistently addressed the national media in an incoherent fashion with slurred speech and nothing but nonsense that was debunked as soon as it left your mouth but you felt no shame in repeating it over and over.

Most of the time John Boehner is addressing the public he is lying.

The culture of this Congress is centered around obstruction. It doesn't matter how good the program is, what it stimulates, or if it is successful once in motion -- if it goes against the GOP agenda, or makes Obama even a slight success, they attack. 

The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...