Showing posts with label unAmerican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unAmerican. Show all posts

End of Days Bats. Bill Wants his Money Back -- RANT

Hess is a mouth with a Koch in it
Obama has had it with your whining too. So, after you are fired, and unable to qualify for unemployment, think about that, alright? Come back when you can read.

COMMON CORE meets EDUCATION REFORM. I love this title.. Sounds fierce doesn't it? Sounds like it is Full of Facts; Hard and Authoritative. However,  it completely ignores the fact that Common Core IS the reform for the law known as ESEA or No Child Left Behnd, imposed by Executive Branch of Federal and State -- which does not, by the way, require your vote or acceptance. CCSS is therefore .. law, for all intents and purpose. (Well done Obama. The hell with those Congress assholes).

That's right. If Obama, Bill Gates, the NGA, CCSSO, David and his crew of Rhode scholars didn't act, starting back in 2009, then last Tuesday, when the ESEA/NCLB came due on it's 12 year mark -- since no school in the whole country passed their AYP -- the action of the law would have fired every teacher in every state, and closed the schools. No school passed. Every school -- Epic Fail 

Schools then go under private license. Either sold or contracted. If Koch moves as fast as they are able, they'll be sold. Within six months, every teachers union is shattered. Teachers with plastic smiles and empty heads come to babysit children and tell parents what they want to hear. Salaries plumate -- Teachers become nothing more than glorified babysitters. Since the schools are now private corporations, there is no State oversight and Federal can't move in. Federal Government does not act directly with the schools, so even though the Department of Education is in the Executive Branch, Obama can't help you -- It is against federal law for federal involvement in the local schools. 

Oh? You didn't know that? Yes, all of your paranoia about Obama's federal take over of Education, was for nothing, based on nothing, and impossible for it to occur.

The funny thing is, you think I'm joking. This is all well documented, and that narration above is in the No Child Left Behind law.--

Boehner and Ebola

"The House has continued to listen to the American people and to focus on their concerns," Boehner told reporters. "Whether it's the economy, whether it's jobs, whether it's protecting the American people from Obamacare -- we've done our work."

Before GOPTea Boehner became House Speaker, GOP Gingrich’s 1995 congress was on record as the least productive congress in our history with the passage of merely 88 bills.

However, Boehner’s sorry record beats Newt’s.

Since Boehner became Speaker in January 2011, his two congresses have passed fewer bills than any other congresses in American history.

The 112th congress got less done than any congress before it with the passage of 61 bills; as well, it saw public support for congress drop to the lowest level ever recorded in the history of modern polling.

The 113th congress is now on record to be worse than even than the 112th with the passage of fewer than 55 bills. (~ House Clerk’s Office)

No congress has passed fewer bills under any other Speaker than Boehner’s two congresses.

Compare Boehner’s record with Nancy Pelosi’s: She is on record as one of our greatest Speakers with the passage of 400 bills in her tenure.

GOPTea’s were elected in 2010 on the false slogan of “jobs jobs jobs.” So far Boehner and his GOPTea’s have created ZERO jobs.

Boehner’s Houses will be known for their vast number of vacation days, their failed 46-repeal-Obamacare-votes and shutting down the government over defunding-Obamacare, costing the American taxpayers $53+ million and $26+ billion respectively.

Voted against veterans on several bills that would have given them retraining, small business loans, better Veteran care and even voted to cut food stamps for the families of serving troops doing their duty while waving the flag.

They tried to block funding for super storm Sandy relief until Chris Christie publicly shamed you by saying he never felt more ashamed to be a Republican.

Boehner has consistently addressed the national media in an incoherent fashion with slurred speech and nothing but nonsense that was debunked as soon as it left your mouth but you felt no shame in repeating it over and over.

Most of the time John Boehner is addressing the public he is lying.

The culture of this Congress is centered around obstruction. It doesn't matter how good the program is, what it stimulates, or if it is successful once in motion -- if it goes against the GOP agenda, or makes Obama even a slight success, they attack. 

The Theory of Planned Behavior

Introduction The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting human actions in a pla...